
The Global Talent Search Has Begun!

I’ve been waiting for this day for a year and it’s finally here, the Lilla Rogers Global Talent Search has begun and I’m in it. This is a worldwide illustration/design/art competition where the winner receives two years of representation from the Lilla Rogers studio, which is HUGE.

Being a full time illustrator is a bit of a pipe dream for me, the inevitable loss of income to get started in that field would be too great at this time in my life, but making the change with Lilla as my mentor would kick my career into overdrive to say the least.

I found out about this contest last year when I had just started my mat leave. Unfortunately for me my timing was off and the contest had already begun. I had no choice but to wait patiently for a YEAR for the next round to begin, only to find out that the timing couldn’t be worse. We are just packing up and getting ready to move across the country. Our house has finally sold, we are about to buy one in Vernon and I have no idea where all my art supplies are. No excuses. I’m doing it anyways, because you never know. I may just win.

And I must say I was very excited when I read the brief this morning that the theme has to do with terrariums. Say WHAT! Of all things terrariums! My mossfeathers site has been sitting idle for a little while but I’m thinking this is a very good sign, an auspicious omen if you will. At the very least I will have something good to take away from round one.

So wish me luck! I have until Aug 18, which should be just enough time…

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